BOOK: The Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Chapter 4.5: (Special) Faith
4.5 (Special) Faith
The gift of "special faith" (amplified bible) is a supernatural endowment of believing God for something, above and beyond the normal measure of faith given to every Christian.
The gift of faith allows one to believe so strongly, that he cannot
doubt, but has complete and total assurance in god. An example
would be Daniel receiving his deliverance in the loin's den.
Another is Jesus going to and thru the cross, fully persuaded of His
B. This gift is used in receiving something from God (provision, protection, etc...).
It may work with other gifts, particularly other power gifts, to
accomplish something. An example would be Jesus' confidence in
God's protection, going into Judea to raise Lazarus, after near stoning
on last trip. (John 11:7-8,16)
A. Maybe manifested separately, by itself.
B. Or with other gifts, particularly other power gifts.
A. Heb 11:17-19 Abraham believing for Isaac's resurrect.
B. Moses/Israel crossing Red
Sea. Working of miracles to part sea, but faith to keep it parted
while crossing.
C. Dan 6:16-17,19-23 Daniel in loin's den
D. Mark 4:38 Jesus asleep during a storm
E. John 11:7-8,16 Jesus returning to Judea
F. John 11:41-42 Jesus receives Lazarus back
G. Matt 12:39-40 Jesus believing for His resurrection
H. Acts 27:
Paul receiving all men's lives on ship
I. Wigglesworth's example of raising dead woman.